
Terms & Conditions

感謝您瀏覽 “Wilfersails-Taiwan” 網站。

Thank you for visiting Wilfersails-Taiwan website


This website only provide product and service for Taiwan customer.



本銷售條款及細則是適用於閣下在 ”Wilfersails-Taiwan” 網站網上商店的任何訂單。閣下確認已完全知悉該等條款及細則的內容,並在落實訂單購買貨品時,同意及接受此等條款的約束 。

These terms and conditions (T&C) apply to any purchase(s) from us via this Website. You acknowledge that you are fully aware of the contents of these terms and conditions and, on placing any purchase order(s) for any products; you agree to be bound by and accept these terms and conditions.

整個網站中,「威爾福風帆台灣」、「Wilfersails-Taiwan.」、「本網站」、「本公司」、「賣家」或「我們」指摩瑞孚創意股份有限公司。「客戶」、「顧客」、「買家」、「您」、「閣下」指下訂單的人。「本網站」指 。「產品」指 Wilfersails-Taiwan 網站網店上所述的產品。「服務」指任何由 Wilfersails-Taiwan 提供的服務,例如安排您的Wilfersails-Taiwan會員帳號事宜。

Throughout the Website / application, the terms “We”, “Us”, “Our”, “Wilfersails-Taiwan” refer to Molrev Co., Ltd., the seller. “Customers”, “Users” and “You” refer to a person who orders product(s), the buyers. “Website” and “Site” refers to “Product(s)” refers to any products listed as shopping item on this Website. “Service(s)” refers to any service(s) that provide from us, for example your Wilfersails-Taiwan. account management.


We reserve all the rights to make changes to the Site, related policies and agreements, the Privacy Statement and this T&C at any time. You are advised to check the Site from time to time for the updates or changes to the said policies and agreements, the Privacy Policy and the T&C.

1. 註冊

1.1 你需要註冊帳戶, 才能使用本網站提供的部分服務。註冊帳戶即表示你同意提供任何方面均為真實、正確、最新和完整的個人資料。如欲進一步了解我們如何使用你的個人資料, 請參閱我們的私隱政策。

     You will need to register an account to use some of the Services available to you on the Site. In registering an account you agree to provide information about yourself that is true, accurate, current, and complete in all respects. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information on how we use your personal data.

1.2 任何未成年人士/用戶或沒法承擔法律責任人士/用戶,在沒有家長或監護人的陪同下,不得使用任何需要提供個人或是家庭成員資料的服務。如一旦使用,即表示其用戶的家長和監護人明白且須承擔本網站所有條款細則責任。

     For minors or the people who cannot take the legal responsibility (collectively, “They”), their parents or guardians must have been informed about Wilfersails-Taiwan’s Privacy Policy before registering any account and the use of our Service. If once the account is registered, it means they and their parents or guardians have fully understood the terms and conditions of the Site.

1.3 “Wilfersails-Taiwan”並沒有任何責任和義務核實任何用戶所提供的任何資料。

      Wilfersails-Taiwan does not take any responsibility for verifying any submitted personal data accuracy.

2. 使用手則
    User Guide

2.1 使用本網站即表示您同意負責以您的帳戶所執行的所有活動。您有責任保障帳戶和密碼的安全。如感到或懷疑有人盜用或在未經授權下使用你的帳戶, 請立即聯絡我們

       In using the Site, you agree to take responsibility for all activities conducted through your account. You are responsible for keeping your account and password securely. If you feel or suspect that the security of your account has been compromised or if there is unauthorised use of your account, please contact us immediately:

2.2 發現任何帳戶,包括但不限於以下活動, 本網站有可能對你的帳戶採取相關行動 (當中包括暫停使用權及暫停/取消任何未執行訂單):
     We may take actions against your account for activities including, but not limited to: 
a) 企圖隱藏使用多個帳戶, 或以任何方式擾亂及破壞本網站任何運作及服務
    Attempt to hide the use of multiple accounts or disrupt any of our Services in any way
b) 發起任何含有非法、傷害、恐嚇、濫用、騷擾、誹謗、粗俗、淫褻、褻瀆、仇恨、會引起種族和民族反感成分的訊息
      Initiating communications that contain any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, profane, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable material
c) 濫發訊息 (包括任何內容或宣傳訊息)
     Advertising or sending unsolicited messages of any kind 
d) 冒充他人或提供任何虛假資料
     Impersonating others or providing any kind of false information

2.3 “Wilfersails-Taiwan”有權自行單方面決定立即終止任何違規帳戶的使用權及取消任何未執行訂單。在此情況下, 我們有可能不會對該帳戶發出任何終止帳戶的通知。

      Wilfersails-Taiwan reserves the right to terminate any account or any unexecuted order(s) at its sole discretion. We may not send you any notice to inform you of the termination of your account in such event. 

3. 知識產權
     Intellectual Property Rights

3.1 本網站所有內容(包括但不限於文字、設計、圖片、圖表、標誌、圖標、圖像、排版、品牌、插圖、音頻和視頻片段、介面、代碼、軟件、其匯集、選取及排列的方式,以及本網站/應用程式載有的其他專有材料)屬於本公司”摩瑞孚創意股份有限公司”所全權擁有,均受版權、商標、服務商標及/或其他所有版權法所保障。

     All contents on the website (including but not limited to text, designs, pictures, graphics, logos, icons, layout, brands, illustrations, audio, video clips, interfaces, codes, software, the compilations, selections and arrangements thereof and other proprietary materials contained on the website / application) are the exclusive properties of Molrev Co., Ltd.. and are protected by copyright, trademark, service mark and / or other proprietary laws. 

3.2 任何人士均不可存取、複製、下載及列印本網站所載的材料作商業用途,並且不可以任何方式修改或刪除於該等材料內的任何版權、商標或其他所有版權通知聲明。任何人均不可透過該等存取、複製、下載及列印有關素材從而獲得任何權利,包括使用權、擁有權或一切其他權益或利益。

     You may NOT access, copy, download and print the materials contained on the website / application for commercial purpose. Any modification or deletion of any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices in such materials in whatsoever manner is prohibited. You will not obtain any right, title or interest in any of such materials through accessing, copying, downloading or printing. 

3.3 未經我們事先書面准許,嚴禁使用本網站任何素材(不論部分或全部)(包括但不限於修改、刪除、分發、轉送、轉載、廣播、刊登、呈示、授權、彷製、轉讓或出售、或作商業性開發或創作衍生作品)。任何未經授權的任何行為可能導致民事及/或刑事責任。

     Any use of the contents or any materials obtained from the website / application (in whole or in part), (Including but not limited to modification, removal, distribution, transmission, reproduction, broadcast, publication, display, licensing, reverse engineering, transfer or sale of, or commercial exploitation of or creation of derivative works from), without our prior written consent, is strictly prohibited. Any such unauthorized actions may result in civil or criminal liabilities. 

4. 購買資格和購買資訊
    Eligibility to Purchase and Purchase Information

    In order to place orders with us, we have the following conditions of eligibility and reminder for your attention. 


4.1 購物人士必須年滿18歲或以上並持有有效的銀行帳戶,以及保證您所提供的個人及付款資料為有效而且正確 (包括真實姓名、電郵地址、電話號碼、記帳資料和其他本網站要求的資料。)

     You should be aged 18 or above and in possession of a valid bank account. You are also need to provide both valid and accurate personal and payment details that are warranted by you (Including real name, email address, phone number, billing information and other requested information as indicated on the Site) 

4.2 於本網站訂購貨品, 即表示您授權Wilfersails-Taiwan於您的銀行帳戶收取訂單總額的費用。如欲了解更多有關於本公司如何使用個人資料的資訊,請參閱我們的私隱政策。

     In placing an order with us, you authorize Wilfersails-Taiwan. to process a bank account in the amount of the total purchase price of your order. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for further information about your data is being used. 

4.3 本網站有權不定時更新網站內任何貨品的所有資料 , 如價錢、產品資料及供應情況等等,而不作另行通知。

     Wilfersails-Taiwan will keep updating the selling price, product information and stock level on the website / application. We reserve the right to make any modifications on price, product information and available quantity without prior notice.

4.4 所有訂單由本公司根據存貨情況和付款之確認狀況而決定接受與否。如任何貨品因缺貨而未能提供予顧客,我們會透過電郵通知, 並為相關情況而作相對安排。 在任何情況下,本網站不設預留貨品服務(包括在購物籃中未付款的貨品)。

     All orders are subject to stock availability and confirmation of the order price. We will contact you via email if the product(s) is out of stock and further arrangement of such circumstance. No reservation is allowed (Including the items in your shopping baskets). 

5. 定價和購買條款
    Pricing and Purchasing Conditions

5.1 本網站上所有貨品的價格均含營業稅但未包含其它稅項及運費(除非有說明)。有關運費請細閱本網站的送貨安排資訊。一切因目的地國家現行法例下所有稅項而產生的額外費用將由客戶承擔,並不包含在訂單貨款中。 (本網站僅提供台灣商品服務)

      All selling prices and transportation cost (if involved) indicated on the website, are include of VAT but exclude all other duties and taxes. Please perusal our delivery guideline for further information before confirming your order. Any supplementary costs due to duties and taxes under current legislation in the country of destination are customer’s responsibility and will not be included in the order. ( We only provide product and service for Taiwan)

5.2 所有在網站發佈的價格均為定價(參考價格)。我們保留更改價格的權利,而不作另行通知。

      Price(s) on the Website are shown as regular prices (for reference only). We reserve the rights to change the price(s) without prior notice.

5.3 經本網站購買的所有產品及服務,交易時均以台幣結算。其他貨幣只作參考用途,顧客需留意交易時的實際兌換率。

      Payment for all the products and services on the Site, are settled in Taiwan dollar. Prices in other currencies are shown for reference only. The actual exchange rates for transactions will be determined at the time of such transactions are affected. 

6. 不可抗力
     Force Majeure 

6.1 本公司將不負責於下列情況下出現的延誤或產品失靈,包括不可抗力的原因 , 如天災、火災、水災、意外、暴亂、戰爭、政府政策、罷工或任何賣家不能控制的情況。

      We shall not be liable for any delay or failure in its performance caused by or resulting from acts of God, fire, flood, accident, riot, war, government intervention, embargoes, strikes, labour difficulties, equipment failures, or any other causes beyond our control. 

7. 其他細則
    Other Terms

7.1 本銷售條款及細則乃根據中華民國法例作詮釋。若有任何爭議,均應依照中華民國法律予以處理,並以台灣台中地方法院為第一審管轄法院。

     The Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the Taiwan. The parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Taiwan, being the place where the Customer’s order/offer is received/accepted. 

7.2 使用條款備有中文及英文版本,若中、英文版本之間有任何歧異或不一致之處,概以中文版本為準。
     The Terms and Conditions are written in both Chinese and English. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the Chinese version and the English version, the former shall prevail.

7.3 如有任何爭議,摩瑞孚創意股份有限公司保留最終決定權。
      In case of any dispute, the decision of Molrev Co., Ltd. shall be final.

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